Reading List

(in order of publication date, most recent at top)




McKibben, Bill Falter has the human game begun to play itself out?
Wallace-Wells, David The Uninhabitable Earth impacts of global warming are under-appreciated
Goodell, Jeff The Water Will Come sea level rise is inevitable and will be costly
Kalmus, Peter Being the Change a climate scientist decarbonizes his lifestyle
Hawken, Paul (editor) Drawdown comprehensive plan to reverse global warming
Heinberg, Richard Our Renewable Future pros & cons of renewable energy
Rockstrom, J. & M. Klum Big World Small Planet living within planetary boundaries
Klein, Naomi This Changes Everything: Capitalism v. the Climate a Klein classic: consequences of our economics
Hsu, Shi-ling The Case for a Carbon Tax pros & cons of a carbon tax, from an economist
Kolbert, Elizabeth The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History so much of life on Earth is threatened by GW
Leonard, Annie The Story of Stuff where is ‘away’ when we toss out things?
Oreskes,N. & E.M. Conway Merchants of Doubt how special interests have obscured truth
MacKay, David JC Sustainable Energy — without the hot air UK-centric. Carbon footprint calcs for a nation.